sudo /usr/sbin/squeezeboxserver
The following modules failed to load: DBI EV XML::Parser::Expat HTML::Parser JSON::XS Digest::SHA1 YAML::XS Sub::Name
I need the kernel CPAN modules which are NOT compatible from Rasbian.
But there is no result from the modules compilation as mentioned here:,16852.15.html
Is somewhere possible to download these compiled modules?
It has nothing to do with the Kernel. CPAN modules only perl related, and the error messages above mean that your Perl version does not have appropriate compiled libraries.......the are compiled under the slimserver has nothing to do with Raspbian too.
For example, on my arm system, I'm running Perl 5.14, the modules for slimserver are here.
And the first error message means that ../XML/Parser/Expat/ cannot be loaded. Please try what I recommended. Remove the Perl 5.22 extension and grab the perl from the 6.x repo......and give it a shot.
If the version that is on the repo won't work, the next step is to build perl manually. Slimserver does require some certain compile time options that BMarkus may or may not have used when he built the TC versions of perl.
also, if you want to try to build the modules, the source for that stuff is here I found building an older version of perl was easier than trying to compile the tools for a newer version.