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Author Topic: German keyboard - Euro sign  (Read 7373 times)

Offline Alatun

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German keyboard - Euro sign
« on: September 29, 2015, 11:29:59 AM »
I'm trying to modify the keybindings to get all keys on a german keyboard to produce the character that is printed on the key.

Currently I found out that this is necessary:
Code: [Select]
xmodmap -e "clear mod4"
xmodmap -e "add mod5 = Mode_switch"
xmodmap -e "keycode 20 = ssharp question backslash"
xmodmap -e "keycode 11 = 2 quotedbl twosuperior "   
xmodmap -e "keycode 12 = 3 section threesuperior "   
xmodmap -e "keycode 26 = e E EuroSign "   

So far everything works, but the EuroSign doesn't. "€" should appear when pressing: ALT-GR + E, but a question mark appears instead (in the editor being started by the pencil).
I modified the command
Code: [Select]
xmodmap -e "keycode 26 = e E dollar". Now I'm getting a dollar sign when pressing ALT-GR + E, so I think it is the correct keycode.

But something else must be wrong. I'm using Tinycore 6.4 + Xvesa b.t.w.

Any ideas? Bug in Xvesa? Is a font missing the glyphs for the EuroSign?

Offline Misalf

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Re: German keyboard - Euro sign
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2015, 01:19:10 PM »
I couldn't get the €-sign to work in editor either. Works in Apps GUI though. O.o

I believe ATerm doesn't support UTF-8 so it can't display €.
For me it works in URXVT if using bash. Not so with ash, which I think is busybox ash?
And it works in GTK apps such as Firefox. (;

Also I'm using Xorg and this keyboard config
Code: [Select]
Section "InputClass"
Identifier       "Keyboard Defaults"
MatchIsKeyboard  "yes"
Option           "XkbLayout"   "de"
Option           "XkbOptions"  "terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp"

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Offline Misalf

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Re: German keyboard - Euro sign
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2015, 01:24:53 PM »
And did you try booting with boot code  kmap=qwertz/de-latin1  plus  kmaps.tcz  loaded OnBoot?
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Offline Misalf

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Re: German keyboard - Euro sign
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2015, 02:01:22 PM »
Also, just tested, "EuroSign" doesn't seem to be a legit key (no input in usually €-capable apps mentioned above), but "Euro" does:
Code: [Select]
xmodmap -e "keycode 26 = e E Euro"
« Last Edit: September 29, 2015, 02:07:08 PM by Misalf »
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Offline curaga

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Re: German keyboard - Euro sign
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2015, 03:57:50 AM »
So far everything works, but the EuroSign doesn't. "€" should appear when pressing: ALT-GR + E, but a question mark appears instead (in the editor being started by the pencil).
Is a font missing the glyphs for the EuroSign?

That is correct. The default bitmap fonts included, which FLTK uses and so the default editor, only include a basic ASCII set. Apps using truetype fonts, with at least one such font installed, should show it properly.

If you need the FLTK apps to show it, you can rebuild FLTK with xft support and replace the default fltk-1.3.tcz with your version.
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Offline Misalf

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Re: German keyboard - Euro sign
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2015, 11:44:44 AM »
Why can Apps display "€" then?
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Offline curaga

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Re: German keyboard - Euro sign
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2015, 01:03:20 PM »
Huh, I guess I was wrong then, the font does include the euro symbol.

The single-line text input is a different widget from the wide rich text one editor uses, which may have an effect.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2015, 01:04:51 PM by curaga »
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Offline nitram

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Re: German keyboard - Euro sign
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2015, 04:57:58 PM »
The single-line text input is a different widget from the wide rich text one editor uses...
Just a thought.
Test this theory by opening default TC editor, trying Euro symbol in a new document.
Then in editor select Search > Find, a single-line text input line, and try the Euro symbol there.

Update: Just tested myself, copy/paste Euro symbol from post above into editor document gives a ? (question mark), pasting it into editor's search/find input line displays proper Euro symbol. Well it looks like this € - is that a proper Euro? Anyway, strange.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2015, 05:16:38 PM by nitram »

Offline nitram

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Re: German keyboard - Euro sign
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2015, 05:18:25 PM »
Been working in FLTK 1.1 a lot lately and have the manual handy, not sure if this is helpful:
Character Encoding
FLTK 1 supports western character sets using the eight bit encoding of the user-selected global code page. For
MS Windows and X11, the code page is assumed to be Windows-1252/Latin1, a superset to ISO 8859-1. On
Mac OS X, we assume MacRoman.
FLTK provides the functions fl_latin1_to_local, fl_local_to_latin1,
fl_mac_roman_to_local, and fl_local_to_mac_roman to convert strings between both
encodings. These functions are only required if your source code contains "C"-strings with international
characters and if this source will be compiled on multiple platforms.
Assuming that the following source code was written on MS Windows, this example will output the correct
label on OS X and X11 as well. Without the conversion call, the label on OS X would read
Fahrvergn¸gen with a deformed umlaut u.
  btn = new Fl_Button(10, 10, 300, 25);
If your application uses characters that are not part of both encodings, or it will be used in areas that
commonly use different code pages, yoou might consider upgrading to FLTK 2 which supports UTF-8

Offline curaga

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Re: German keyboard - Euro sign
« Reply #9 on: October 01, 2015, 05:13:11 AM »
On a Xorg + xft-fltk-1.3 system, the euro symbol works fine in all widgets.

FLTK 1.3 supports utf-8 fully.
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Offline Alatun

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Re: German keyboard - Euro sign
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2015, 05:46:38 AM »
Also, just tested, "EuroSign" doesn't seem to be a legit key (no input in usually €-capable apps mentioned above), but "Euro" does:
Code: [Select]
xmodmap -e "keycode 26 = e E Euro"

Huh - in my setup its just the other way round: "Euro" is not accepted, but "EuroSign" is.

In "single line text input fields" the Euro sign works now. But in the default text editor it does not. I'm mainly interested that the key works with remote desktop. Still need to verify this, but I think if the key mapping in X is correct, it will work.

Seems I just had bad luck in taking the default editor for testing purposes.