while i am trying to get the latest version of TC64 to work under XEN4, it hangs on the boot process with the message:
random: nonblocking pool is initialized
and then nothing happend!
Before i was using TC5.3 x64 and all was fine ... what i am doing wrong?
here is my xen config:
# Tinycore64 Linux PV DomU
# Kernel paths for install
kernel = "/home/xen/domains/tcdomu/vmlinuz64-tc6.3"
ramdisk = '/home/xen/domains/tcdomu/corepure64-tc6.3.gz'
#extra="console=tty xencons=tty nousb nortc nodhcp norestore noswap noutc nofstab nozswwap root=xvda1 home=xvda1 tce=xvda1 opt=xvda1"
extra="console=tty xencons=tty waitusb=5 nortc nodhcp noswap noutc nozswwap root=xvdb1 home=xvdb1 tce=xvdb1 opt=xvda1 host=dagdev"
# Path to HDD and iso file
disk = [ 'file:/home/xen/domains/tcdomu/TinyCorePure64-6.3.iso,xvda,w' ]
disk = [ 'file:/home/xen/domains/tcdomu/disk.img-o-tinycore-5.3,xvdb,w' ]
# Network configuration
vif = [ 'ip= ,mac=00:16:3E:F4:64:22,bridge=LANBRIDGE' ]
# DomU settings
memory = 512
name = "tcdomu"
vcpus = 1
maxvcpus = 1