Hello gordon64:
... notice that in the 32 repo there is a TCZ=libXtst.
Yep, found it. (will definitely have to develop more proficiency when browsing the app repo)
I installed it but it does not change anything.
Curiously enough, after booting if I check 'apps' for 'check onboot unneeded' it flags the file:
libXtst.tcz not needed a dep of numlockx.tcz.
This happens with libxkbfile.tcz loaded, which did not get flagged as unneeded after installing it.
I'll try loading libXtst.tcz without libxkbfile.tcz and see what happens. Makes sense as the numlockx info file says 'at least one' of these files has to be installed.
... contains the libXTest.h but not a shared object according to my eyesight.
No idea.
I'm afraid that's waaay over my head for now. =-)
Strangely enough, 32 bit bootup for me, without any X.d or onboot mention of numlockx, allows my numpad to work.
Yes my bios has numlock enabled.
Maybe a mobo or chipset issue, never know for sure.
2) leds appear to come from maybe a KB app or maybe from setleds......but am unable to see setleds in the repo at the moment nor xsetleds
While booting, at one point the numlock LED comes on for a couple of seconds, but then goes off.
Do you know how many keys your kb has?
Do you know the common name of your keyboard.....eg US international, generic 105 key etc?
Of course.
My kb is commonly defined as having the LA layout.
Specifically, it's a Compaq 166516-166 or Compaq Spare 269513-161(one of the last solid kbs available).
Here's a useful link to get all the key values:
http://ascii-table.com/keyboard.php/171ignore me if you succeed with Rich's suggestion
Wouldn't do that. =-)
I have seen a few posts that would indicate that numlockx works
only with Xorg and for some reason which has not been made clear, not with Xvesa. Maybe it is a problem with Xvesa?
Thanks a lot for all the input.