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Author Topic: [SOLVED] numlockx and Xvesa  (Read 14657 times)

Offline madmax

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[SOLVED] numlockx and Xvesa
« on: August 22, 2015, 06:12:57 PM »

I miss not having to use the NumLock key to be ablr to use the number pad so I searched and found numlockx.tcz.  =-)
I have it set up in BIOS for when I boot MS, but it does not work with linux.

So I have numlockx.tcz loading on-boot.
Tried to see if it worked by bringing up terminal and executing numlockx, numlockx on or numlockx off, but nothing happens.

I then tried with a file in /.X.d containing the line /usr/local/bin/numlockx but that does not work either.
From what I read in a post here, it would seem that numlockx works only with xorg, not with xvesa.

Is this so or am I missing something?

Thanks in advance,

« Last Edit: August 24, 2015, 01:15:05 AM by Rich »

Offline gerald_clark

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Re: numlockx and Xvesa
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2015, 06:30:27 PM »
Read the info file. It gives further requirements.

Offline madmax

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Re: numlockx and Xvesa
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2015, 07:07:10 PM »

Thanks for the fast answer, much obliged.
Read the info file. It gives further requirements.
It says numlockx relies on XTest and XKB and that you have to install at least one of them for it to work.
The apps browser brought up nothing with 'xtest' but brought up libxkbfile.tcz with 'xkb' (I suppose this is the one the info file refers to).

I load libxkbfile.tcz on boot but numlockx still does not work.

Have I missed something else?

Thanks in advance.



Online Rich

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Re: numlockx and Xvesa
« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2015, 10:57:12 PM »
Hi tinycore
You could try using  Xvesa-7.1.tcz  from TC4. From the info file:
Comments:       This is the newer Xvesa from Xorg 7.1 that
                            supports the numlock LED.

Offline madmax

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Re: numlockx and Xvesa
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2015, 07:41:51 AM »
Good morning:
You could try using  Xvesa-7.1.tcz  from TC4. From the info file:
Comments: This is the newer Xvesa from Xorg 7.1 that supports the numlock LED.
But the problem isn't the LED, I could live without the LED indicating that NumLock is 'on'.
The problem is that 'numlockx' simply does not work.

Not by bringing up terminal and executing numlockx, (on, off or toggle) or with a file in /.X.d containing the line /usr/local/bin/numlockx (on, off or toggle).

Loading libxkbfile.tcz on boot (see the numlockx info file) has made no difference.




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Re: numlockx and Xvesa
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2015, 08:41:04 AM »

I provided the 64 bit TCZ and notice that in the 32 repo there is a TCZ=libXtst. this contains the libXTest.h but not a shared object according to my eyesight
Strangely enough, 32 bit bootup for me, without any X.d or onboot mention of numlockx, allows my numpad to work......Yes my bios has numlock enabled.

2) leds appear to come from maybe a KB app or maybe from setleds......but am unable to see setleds in the repo at the moment nor xsetleds

I will open my big gob and say I will see if I can re-build numlockx to work on 32 bit.
I can confirm that on my 32 boot up....it does not work for me either
Code: [Select]
tce-load -i numlockx
numlockx on
numlockx off
numlockx --help

on/off fail except help info that appears to suggest I need to be in X. I wiill pm the maintainers later only if I can get the local TCZ to work for me.


Do you know how many keys your kb has?
Do you know the common name of your keyboard.....eg US international, generic 105 key etc?

ignore me if you succeed with Rich's suggestion


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Re: numlockx and Xvesa
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2015, 10:19:01 AM »
well correction to above, the current numlockx works as expected as long as I boot into an Xorg. Not helpful I know. If I boot into Xfbdev, numlockx has no effect.

I recompiled both libXtst and then numlockx and still no workee in Xfbdev. I have kept my new build if you like to pm me, but me thinks it ain't going to work for Vesa either. New build works in Xorg but so did the old one.

I don't normally boot into 32 bit as my graphics card is too snazzy and I am trying to keep the smallest number of boot lists. So I have not attempted to boot into XVesa.

good luck

Offline madmax

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Re: numlockx and Xvesa
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2015, 10:37:24 AM »
Hello gordon64:
... notice that in the 32 repo there is a TCZ=libXtst.
Yep, found it. (will definitely have to develop more proficiency when browsing the app repo)
I installed it but it does not change anything.

Curiously enough, after booting if I check 'apps' for 'check onboot unneeded' it flags the file: libXtst.tcz not needed a dep of numlockx.tcz.

This happens with libxkbfile.tcz loaded, which did not get flagged as unneeded after installing it. 
I'll try loading libXtst.tcz without libxkbfile.tcz and see what happens. Makes sense as the numlockx info file says 'at least one' of these files has to be installed.

... contains the libXTest.h but not a shared object according to my eyesight.
No idea.
I'm afraid that's waaay over my head for now.   =-)

Strangely enough, 32 bit bootup for me, without any X.d or onboot mention of numlockx, allows my numpad to work.
Yes my bios has numlock enabled.
Maybe a mobo or chipset issue, never know for sure.

2) leds appear to come from maybe a KB app or maybe from setleds......but am unable to see setleds in the repo at the moment nor xsetleds
While booting, at one point the numlock LED comes on for a couple of seconds, but then goes off.

Do you know how many keys your kb has?
Do you know the common name of your keyboard.....eg US international, generic 105 key etc?
Of course.
My kb is commonly defined as having the LA layout.
Specifically, it's a Compaq 166516-166 or Compaq Spare 269513-161(one of the last solid kbs available).
Here's a useful link to get all the key values: http://ascii-table.com/keyboard.php/171

ignore me if you succeed with Rich's suggestion
Wouldn't do that.  =-)

I have seen a few posts that would indicate that numlockx works only with Xorg and for some reason which has not been made clear, not with Xvesa. Maybe it is a problem with Xvesa? 

Thanks a lot for all the input.



Offline madmax

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Re: numlockx and Xvesa
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2015, 12:54:10 PM »
Hello again:

This happens with libxkbfile.tcz loaded, which did not get flagged as unneeded after installing it. 
I'll try loading libXtst.tcz without libxkbfile.tcz and see what happens. Makes sense as the numlockx info file says 'at least one' of these files has to be installed.

OK, so far the deal is this:

libXtst.tcz gets flagged as not needed a dep of numlockx.tcz whether it is loaded by itself or along with libxkbfile.tcz, which does not get flagged in either instance, so it would seem that the info file in numlockx is not accurate when it says:

... relies on X extensions called XTest and XKB, so you need to have at least one of these X extensions installed..

But the depends list does includes libXtst.tcz but not libxkbfile.tcz:


I'll play around loading all the depends and see what happens.



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Re: numlockx and Xvesa
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2015, 02:28:47 PM »
"not needed a dep of numlockx.tcz" means that there is no need to add this extension to the onboot list because it's a dep of numlockx.tcz and gets loaded anyway.
Download a copy and keep it handy: Core book ;)

Offline madmax

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Re: numlockx and Xvesa
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2015, 04:55:22 PM »
Hello Misalf:
"not needed a dep of numlockx.tcz" means that there is no need to add this extension to the onboot list because it's a dep of numlockx.tcz and gets loaded anyway.
Thanks for the heads up.   =-)

Now they are not loaded at boot up but there's been no change: numlockx won't work.




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Re: numlockx and Xvesa
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2015, 07:52:57 PM »

Just woke up and finally did the Xvesa suggestion from Rich
This is the newer Xvesa from Xorg 7.1 that supports the numlock LED

here is one way to get it ...if you don't like the bottom 2 lines just use your file manager to move those 2 new files into your packages directory
Code: [Select]
wget http://www.tinycorelinux.net/4.x/x86/tcz/Xvesa-7.1.tcz
md5sum Xvesa-7.1.tcz > Xvesa-7.1.tcz.md5.txt
TCEDIR=/mnt/`cat /etc/sysconfig/backup_device`/optional
cp Xvesa* $TCEDIR

2) Assuming you have Xvesa.tcz in your "onboot" list
Click into Apps
click on Xvesa.tcz and remove it from your boot list
now left hand side scoll down and click on XVesa-7.1.tcz to select it
---so it appears in RH list

3) full reboot

with either numlockx in your onboot list or load it manually

4) For me, leds now work in Xvesa
toggle does not work for me, but numlock is already enabled as previously mentioned

good luck....don't forget to thank Rich if it works


When you run Apps update in the future, it will detect all local TCZs including this new one.
There is no need to do anything.  And do not delete Xvesa.tcz please.

« Last Edit: August 23, 2015, 07:58:49 PM by gordon64 »

Offline madmax

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Re: numlockx and Xvesa
« Reply #12 on: August 24, 2015, 12:06:13 AM »
Good morning Gordon64:

Just woke up and finally did the Xvesa suggestion from Rich
Thanks ...
here is one way to get it ...
Thank you very much for this.   =-)
It now works 'as advertised', so to speak.

... don't forget to thank Rich if it works
Will do.

When you run Apps update in the future, it will detect all local TCZs including this new one.
There is no need to do anything.  And do not delete Xvesa.tcz please.
Note taken.

Once again, thank you.



Offline madmax

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Re: numlockx and Xvesa
« Reply #13 on: August 24, 2015, 12:08:32 AM »
Hello Rich:
You could try using  Xvesa-7.1.tcz  from TC4. From the info file:
Comments: This is the newer Xvesa from Xorg 7.1 that supports the numlock LED.
Done it, Gordon64 gave held my hand while at it.

Thanks a lot, numlockx finally works.



Online Rich

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Re: numlockx and Xvesa
« Reply #14 on: August 24, 2015, 12:39:27 AM »
Hi tinycore
Glad to hear you got it sorted out.