I'm trying to build a new version build on the now default kernel from raspberry (at the moment 4.0.
. I will report my findings and the problems I have so far:
At first it would not allow the use of zram. Therefore piCore froze during boot. This could be overcome by inclusion of the bootcode "nozswap".
However, by adding this to the .config file before building the kernel also fixed the problem:
Next, I now have a problem with mounting the loop devices.
I have enabled it in menuconfig. If I test it with:
ls -l /dev/loop*
I get
crw-------- 1 root root 10 237 jan 1 1970 /dev/loop-control
brw-rw------ 1 root staff 7, 0 jul 19 08:03 /dev/loop0
brw-rw------ 1 root staff 7, 1 jan 1 1970 /dev/loop1
brw-rw------ 1 root staff 7, 2 jan 1 1970 /dev/loop2
brw-rw------ 1 root staff 7, 3 jan 1 1970 /dev/loop3
brw-rw------ 1 root staff 7, 4 jan 1 1970 /dev/loop4
brw-rw------ 1 root staff 7, 5 jan 1 1970 /dev/loop5
brw-rw------ 1 root staff 7, 6 jan 1 1970 /dev/loop6
brw-rw------ 1 root staff 7, 7 jan 1 1970 /dev/loop7
However during boot it will not mount the loop devices so I get the following errors:
mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on /tmp/tcloop/dropbear failed: no such device
mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on /tmp/tcloop/busybox-htpd failed: no such device
mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on /tmp/tcloop/libfaad failed: no such device
So if anyone have a good idea on how to overcome this problem with mounting of the loop devices - please help.
Otherwise it seems to boot fine, I can use the "tce" command, and it can get the wanted tcz packages, but it still cant mount the loop devices
I can provide the .config file and the kernel and initrd if anyone want to have a look.