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Author Topic: computers and the market domination.  (Read 6073 times)

Offline cast-fish

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computers and the market domination.
« on: June 19, 2015, 08:38:04 AM »
Vincent Whyman

Hello there to you all,

well hope you are happy there.

Did some more learning here on technology stuff.

Computers really. When the worlds laptops start up
you usually see the manufacturers branding on the
screen. These are the first steps the computer makes
when starting up (the BIOS start up). Anyway, that
branding badge is called a BIOS tatoo. The purpose
of it is to prevent software piracy. That is to say, prevent
people stealing that BIOS "code" for which they could then
Remanufacture an entire Area of a Laptops operation chip
set and use it for themselves. They would just "lift" the code
and it's easy to then sell on to third party Laptop vendors
or Manufacturers.

Sort of extreme measure And also an advert for the
corporation that made your laptop. The TATOO ADVERT...."Toshiba" etc

The BIOS code contains
extremely relevant things pertaining to how your laptop
works. Specifically, it contains "unique" numbers and serial numbers
which together with the hardware allow the unique parts
of the laptop to work....such as the "Internet works" by the laptop
using it's "network card MAC code" unique number....

.....Other serial numbers
identify the "mainboard" inside your computer and give it
knowledge about "how" it is supposed to further operate after start up.

This kind of knowledge on the topic of BIOS, is in some cases, unbelievably
relevant to galaxies way beyond the extreme.
and the manufacture of or microelectronic chips sets
for the worlds laptops.

The people that get the RIGHTS to
the bios labels are just like Gods.

Microsoft, in the outset
from Bill gates had a "bootstrapping" piece of code built into the
windows Operating system files.....Written by Bill Gates.

then Microsoft did a "chicken
and egg" thing and they said to THe worlds hardware computer manufactures.....you can see a demo of our "windows" working it's great. DO you want to PARTNER
with us?

Microsoft then issues the factory corporation with a Licence LAW....(the factory wants the profit from selling
computers containing windows, since it's popular....so the
factory corporation like say "HP" signs the Microsoft
Clause stating "no other operating system is allowed to run
on this computer brand ever".....only windows is allowed to run on it.

Once that "bootstrapping" code, which was originally
written by Bill gATES, is protected in the manner i describe above (tatoos)...........that's it.....complete domination
of the worlds consumer market place in home computing.
(The revolution that started way back......ye....it did....and in
it's present state it still exists now.....)

I know that this so it's worth sharing so that more
people may know



PS...THE point is ......that code by Bill Gates is Hidden. It's Closed Source and can never ever be reveiled. Then the hardware chips and bootstrapping tATOO further obscifates that hidden code....."it's CLOSED SOURCE code".....and is still the same now


Offline cast-fish

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Re: computers and the market domination.
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2015, 11:18:43 AM »
It's about 200 lines of code.....by the way.

THe soul reason, that Microsoft has galaxies of $$$ and global domination
of the computing marketplace....and still does. That reason and the profit
made from support phone calls for the awful 60 million line OS called

Let's just see what this forum really "thinks" they know about


Offline Misalf

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Re: computers and the market domination.
« Reply #2 on: June 19, 2015, 11:40:11 AM »
It's Closed Source and can never ever be reveiled.
Reviled or Revealed? q:
Anyway, never say never, ever. What can run can be read - can be copied - can be altered.

Personally, I usually just don't use stuff that I can not use as I want to. Except my microwave oven or my 10$ mobile phone (which is about 8 years old now and still runs for ~ a week without charging!).
Download a copy and keep it handy: Core book ;)

Offline cast-fish

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Re: computers and the market domination.
« Reply #3 on: June 19, 2015, 01:02:02 PM »
Hello MIsalf there,

uh....it should be revealed.  Can't understand in this day and age
why realtime spellcheckers don't just deal with all this stuff
on the fly themselves?  baffling.....

Yeah...it's a handfull of knowledgeable people who have an insight into
that post i made above.....but the implications are inter-stella.

The code is, like i say, about 200 lines. It's a bootstrapper and linked
between BIOS chip manufacturers BOARD MAKERS and under-writers.....
and it then jumps the gap ......through over into the Windows operating
system Files .....at start up of an x86 machine....

Then the licence agreement Msoft gets the board manufacturers to sign
up to is inextricably linked to that "hidden" bootstrapper code injected into
THEIR bios chip...(a tatoo)..... and the clause stating
 "You the board maker agree that NO OTHER OPERATING
SYSTEM can ever be allowed to run on this hardware except windows".....

Once that agreement is agreed...it's the chainloading of that clause
that then allows the bios manufacturere to take that TATOO off microsoft
and embed it into their BIOS chip.....and then that code TALKS to
windows files via the bootstrapper of Msoft......the licence LOOP of doing that.......is WHY microsoft is the global giant it is.......it basically controls Gasolene so to speak....with ownership of say Dubai and all oil manufacturing places....
Microsoft controls the hardware market.....by a chicken and egg
thing that was started a very long time ago.....and exploded globally

very very very very very few people understand this at all....

 a friend told me that the truly truly truly sad thing is that we would be
DECADES ahead in personal computing.....but for if it was NOT bill gates
who had never done the stuff above.....(we basically sufferred this for ever now
and it's crippled technological progress by decades and decades)

very very very very few people have a notion of this....apparently


yea.......it's  not that people can't use it the way they want to.....it's that they
can't go out and Buy something else....Misalf......it's dominated totally ....
sure there is ONE other option.......GO WITHOUT....or upgrade for ever
with Msoft embedded into genetic DNA like a mad max movie future of
sentien wanabees tied down to a god leader.....
Is it all about money Misalf?.........who would disagree....ofcourse it is...

example....there are thousands of brands and model of motor car.
Look at that invention.....
There is one brand of computing parse.....even just a tiny board and
electronics is for ever dominanted.....you can only partner with them...
or be a nobody.....


Offline core-user

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Re: computers and the market domination.
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2015, 02:54:41 PM »
Not really sure where you are going with this, but it was IBM that standardised the PC.

MS just got manufacturers to agree to only put MSWindows as the O/S on their machines.
AMD, ARM, & Intel.

Offline gerald_clark

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Re: computers and the market domination.
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2015, 03:36:06 PM »
BIOSs are written by IBM, Phoenix, and AMI.
And if Gary Killdal had not been golfing when IBM came knocking on his door, people
would be running Digital Research's CPM-86 now instead DOS/Windows.

Take off your tinfoil hat and let your brain get some air.

Offline cast-fish

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Re: computers and the market domination.
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2015, 09:52:53 AM »
Hello again,

Thanks for your input.

Just wanted to be more aware of idiosyncrasies in life.
Like my post says about motor cars and thousands of brands and models of
that expensive invention

but PC computing...?.just one.



Offline gerald_clark

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Re: computers and the market domination.
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2015, 10:46:39 AM »
There isn't "just one" computer, and
Microsoft didn't demand that all PCs could only ever run Windows.
What they did was make a business deal with some manufacturers that gave them a better price if all their computers shipped with Windows pre-installed.
You should stop listening to PC conspiracy theorists.

Offline Misalf

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Re: computers and the market domination.
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2015, 10:59:12 AM »
And since most servers on the internet run Unix based systems, it would be a shot in the foot to eliminate alternatives to Windows-Hardwareâ„¢. There will always be a choice. (;
Download a copy and keep it handy: Core book ;)

Offline cast-fish

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Re: computers and the market domination.
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2015, 11:45:38 AM »

There is some interesting stuff here.


Gates signs a contract with IBM, agreeing to develop software for the PC. Later he buys an operating system called QDOS for $50,000, improves it, renames it DOS, and licenses it to IBM.



Offline cast-fish

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Re: computers and the market domination.
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2015, 09:07:38 AM »

Do you see there.  Msoft licenses the OS to IBM, and NOT the other
way around.   

THis thread was saying IBM makes bios......?

but what bios licence and code are they using?

Can anybody tell me what the ubiquitous sticker on
all the worlds personal computing hardware means?

"DESIGNED for WindowsXP  Msoft Trademark"  sticker.  hologram
"DESIGNED for windows7 Msoft Trademark"  sticker etc.  (embossed)



« Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 09:09:11 AM by cast-fish »

Offline gerald_clark

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Re: computers and the market domination.
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2015, 09:50:14 AM »
The BIOS and the OS are two different things.
Also, the sticker is not an all personal computers.
Stop with the lies and misinformation, and no blogging is allowed here.

Offline cast-fish

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Re: computers and the market domination.
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2015, 10:37:59 AM »


Isn't BIOS an OS?...

Anyway, you can all learn from the World Wide Web.
thanks for your input.


Offline gerald_clark

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Re: computers and the market domination.
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2015, 11:09:32 AM »
No, BIOS is not an OS.
As to learning from the World Wide Web,  there is no peer review, and any nut can say anything without providing any proof.
So, as we have seen, what you learn may be BS.

Offline cast-fish

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Re: computers and the market domination.
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2015, 12:32:37 PM »

I am not able to pin point accuracy.

Here is the proof.

The BIOS came about in the early days of LSI (Large Scale Integrated) Chips. It was really a mini operating system and had hooks for system programmers to use. For example outputting a character to some device. Firmware is a generic term for embedded software (and its included data) to run something. System controllers in large computer systems that control power up etc have a mini operating system (typically a mini linux) that's referred to as firmware. These terms are somewhat interchangeable but the firmware downloaded to a computer motherboard is referred as BIOS. Firmware downloaded to a video card can be referenced as BIOS as well.

It's off topic, i could have IRC'd it.

This is for the members of the forum.
Admins may also benefit if they can slightly lift their tinfoil hats.  (joking)


UEIF is similar now. IMproved. 