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Author Topic: Bootcodes of Picore6.0  (Read 19724 times)

Offline bmarkus

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Re: Bootcodes of Picore6.0
« Reply #30 on: February 22, 2015, 03:10:59 AM »
I would like to be able to use tce directory located on mmcblk0p3 with tce=mmcblk0p3/tce code, but now it does not works since this partition is not even monted.

If there are no /tce dirs on mmcblk0p1 nor mmcblk0p2 only on mmcblk0p3 system will use it automatically, no need for bootcode.
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Offline andriusr

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Re: Bootcodes of Picore6.0
« Reply #31 on: February 22, 2015, 03:29:17 AM »
When I move tce to mmcblk0p3 (so no tce on mmcblk0p3), Rpi boots but SSH server is not started  (I am using 6.0-SSH image). I have to look why it happens.

Offline andriusr

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Re: Bootcodes of Picore6.0
« Reply #32 on: February 22, 2015, 04:31:40 AM »
Found the problem, the files were not properly copied to mmcblk0p3 for some reason. Now it works as you sugessted.

Offline andriusr

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Re: Bootcodes of Picore6.0
« Reply #33 on: February 28, 2015, 11:56:10 AM »
Would like to report what boot time shortening one can expect with modified initrd file.
I managed to create initrd file that includes all SSH image tcz plus web server stack (lighttpd, fastcgi etc.) with total size of ~12MB. All files are loaded to RAM during boot, only the mydata.tgz is in persistent location. RAM usage is ~44 MB after boot.
It takes ~10 sec till ethernet port is ready (the LEDs on thernet port lights up after ~8 s or so):
Jan  1 00:00:10 (none) user.info kernel: [   10.008339] smsc95xx 1-1.1:1.0 eth0: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0xC5E1

Offline bkm

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Re: Bootcodes of Picore6.0
« Reply #34 on: March 20, 2015, 10:06:47 AM »

I see in your last message you are using lighttpd and loading it straight to ram on boot. Where did you get the lighttpd package to use in your picore 6.0 system? I have been looking for it and cannot find it. I am upgrading a bunch of custom translator boxes to the rpi and all of my current running code is dependent on lighttpd. Ant help in finding it would be appreciated.

I am also looking for vsftpd. It was also important to my old boxes (200 of them) running tinycore version 3.8.4. The old hardware is no longer available and I didn't mind locking everything down to the old 3.x versions at the time because everything I use is in a closed system. Now I have to start replacing dead hardware and the rpi makes the most sense.

However, I really do not want to rewrite everything I have for alternate packages if I can find the lighttpd and vsftpd extensions to use in 6.0. Any direction you can point me would be very appreciated.



Offline bmarkus

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Re: Bootcodes of Picore6.0
« Reply #35 on: March 23, 2015, 08:32:59 AM »
lighttpd.tcz is added to piCore repos.
Ham Radio callsign: HA5DI

"Amateur Radio: The First Technology-Based Social Network."

Offline andriusr

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Re: Bootcodes of Picore6.0
« Reply #36 on: April 04, 2015, 03:29:06 AM »

I see in your last message you are using lighttpd and loading it straight to ram on boot. Where did you get the lighttpd package to use in your picore 6.0 system? I have been looking for it and cannot find it. I am upgrading a bunch of custom translator boxes to the rpi and all of my current running code is dependent on lighttpd. Ant help in finding it would be appreciated.

I am also looking for vsftpd. It was also important to my old boxes (200 of them) running tinycore version 3.8.4. The old hardware is no longer available and I didn't mind locking everything down to the old 3.x versions at the time because everything I use is in a closed system. Now I have to start replacing dead hardware and the rpi makes the most sense.

However, I really do not want to rewrite everything I have for alternate packages if I can find the lighttpd and vsftpd extensions to use in 6.0. Any direction you can point me would be very appreciated.



Sorry for late reply. I compiled lighttpd by myself, but since bmarkus added lighttpd to repository your problem seems to be solved.
I tested also version bmarkus compiled and there was one caveat that I needed to specify path where lighttpd modules are located when starting it. Like that:
Code: [Select]
sudo lighttpd -m /usr/local/lib/lighttpd -f /opt/lighttpd.confBy default lighttpd looks for modules in /usr/local/lib, not in /usr/local/lib/lighttpd
« Last Edit: April 04, 2015, 03:33:34 AM by andriusr »