Hello again,
I have been able to configure the access point and the dhcp using the new package.
However there is something that is driving me crazy:
If I connect to the " new wifi" created with a Mac, or a Pc, or an old Samsung Galaxy S mobile, the conection is made, the raspi dhcp is giving an address and I can ssh to the raspi from those devices through the raspi ip that is set as a "access point / router"
However if I try to do the same with a NExus 5 with lollipop, although the nexus says "connection stablished" with an exclamation mark, when I try to ssh to the raspi using a nexus 5 ssh client like Juicessh (totally reliable), it claims that the host is not reachable!!. When I log the dhcp, it says that the device is connected!
Has anyone any idea what could be happening here? I'm desperate