It sounds as though your USB stick itself is doing well if you're able to boot to TC with it, so for the moment I'm going to assume core itself is installed correctly. The instructions are intended for an existing device, so we don't want to reformat, etc.
1) Run:
tce-load -wi e2fsprogs so we can give the USB device a drive label
Go to /mnt and locate your usb/boot drive (I'll assume sda1 here for this post)
2) Run:
e2label /dev/sda1 tinycore to set the device's label to "tinycore"
Go to /mnt/
sda1/tce/boot/extlinux and edit extlinux.conf (sudo vi extlinux.conf)
On the APPEND line, look to see if there's a
boot code starting with
tce= which I'm guessing there is not. If not, add
tce=LABEL=tinycore at the end of that line.
If you're not familiar with "vi", press the letter "a" to start editing the file, then navigate to where you want to make changes using the arrow keys. Press <ctrl>+c to stop editing, and type in
:wq to save (write) and quit.
Once finished, run:
sync (just for sake of safety to flush the changes to the USB drive) followed by
sudo reboot to reboot the machine.
Once the machine reboots, you should now have a
persistent setup so that it remembers your installed extensions. Repeat the installation for dosbox and the other dependencies you listed. The next time you reboot you should find they're still loaded on the USB device.
Doing things in this fashion will also prevent you from having to use
tce-run completely. You should now be able to run dosbox from the command line (directly.)
EDIT: It just dawned on me you noted using Windows to build the USB stick. I don't recall whether core2usb uses EXT or DOS as the format. If EXT, you're in good shape with the instructions above. If DOS, use
dosfstools in Step 1 and
dosfslabel in Step 2.
A preferred (and much more simplistic) method would be:
1) Download TinyCore-current.iso from
http://tinycorelinux.net/4.x/x86/release/TinyCore-4.7.7.iso2) Burn the ISO to CD (from Windows)
3) Boot the CD (you should end up in X-Windows)
4) Click on the TC-Install icon at the far bottom-right
5) Choose USB install and select the usb pen drive (should be listed as removable - only 1 should be!)
6) Follow the prompts and select EXT2 as the format and NONE to installing extensions.
Once finished, reboot and run tce-load again with your dosbox extensions and dependencies. Every time you reboot thereafter, dosbox and such will be found on your stick.