Now that 6.0 is released, might a compiled kernel tarball be forthcoming? I'm trying to compile natively on the RPi but I have a few questions. I did these (make expects bash):
git clone -b rpi-3.12.y -i compile-essentials.tcz linux-3.12.y_api_headers.tcz bash.tcz
sudo ln -s $(which bash) /bin/bash
cd to linux source directory
zcat /proc/config.gz > .config
make oldconfig (just a check I suppose since I wasn't prompted for any config choices)
make help
This step lists ALOT of options. The defaults are vmlinux modules zImage xipImage dtbs. Three kernel images? Should I go with the default, one of the "packaging" options, or what?
I looked at the cross compile link, which I had already found, but I decided to go with instead since I have both Slackware and I have used crosstool-ng in the past. I built crosstool but I haven't tried it yet. I may have a compiler race later.
Also, I tested libnfc.tcz. libnfc and the kernel modules pn533 and nfs are mutually exclusive, so libnfc will only work if the kernel modules are NOT loaded. So please remove the nfc-KERNEL.tcz dependency. Without the modules it works fine. Thanks.