Thanks for taking the time read these questions and maybe help me advance!
Notice: I am using ub-dCore-trusty, release December 19, 2014.
LibreOfficeInstalling LibreOffice worked but there were no icons. So I created a mega-package from a file
containing "libreoffice, libreoffice-{gnome,style-human,l10n-de,help-de}". That did show icons and everything.
- The internationalization is not working. Is there some type of helper script needed?
- There is no icon for LO in wbar but there is one for OpenJDK Java 7 Policy instead. Can one automatically have icons in Wbar for all loaded extensions? (Chromium for instance does come with one but not Xournal.)
- The apps do not show in the list of Applications (FLWM menu). Similar question to the above. (Chromium and Xournal both do show up.)
WirelessI have tried several different ways to get wireless working (with ethernet available), however none of them was successful. I had created a mega-package from a file containing "wireless, wireless-tools, wireless-3.8.13-tinycore, wpagui".
- The download breaks with the following error: "Connecting to ( -- wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found -- md5sum failed for wireless-firmware.tar.gz, exiting.." So it seems that this package is missing.
- What are these different packages for? Should it, in principle, not be enough to import Wpagui? If not, how are these programs started in order to make Wpagui work (or Wicd for that matter)?
WicdI tried myself to simply import Wicd by itself. An icon appears in Wbar but it is non-funtional. When launching Wicd from the command line, it throws an ImportError "No module named gobject (File /usr/share/wicd/daemon/", line 46, in <module>: import gobject).
- Is the package not supposed to get all of its dependencies? (It seems that I do not quite get the point!)
- What else is needed to get Wicd working?
Apps browser, persistenceOne thing that I am deerly missing from standard TinyCore is the apps browser. I just wanted to express how useful something like that would be to control the loading and managing of apps. I do realize well that dCore is at a rather early stage. At least it would be nice to have all the information about {import,update,load}sce (etc?!) together in one place on the wiki.
- Is there anything more than those threee?
- As far as I can tell, persistence works the same way as with standard TinyCore, right?
Last but not least thoughtI recall somebody writing in the forum years ago that TinyCore was already then just about exactly what Google was trying to achieve with ChromeOS. IMHO, dCore is yet another leap towards a truly universal mobile OS. Great respect to the developers!