"Thanks for sharing your ideas about structuring the wiki pages, LichenSymbiont!"
No problem! I hope we can create some great pages together!

"It is good that we get the opportunity to discuss things before setting them up. "
Indeed, especially now as it seems everyone is waiting for everyone else to publish first ^^
Not to worry though, as your structuring and ideas are very sound.
Your idea of making separate pages is very fitting, as I have some extra ideas which are relevant, but not really fit for the main page.
Like information for integrating other distros repos, as I think all the major distros have a fork/rewrite for their package manager, which can be run on other distros.
Like the Paludis package manager for Gentoo ebuilds: about intended audiences: if we just have an install script for a basic graphical system, then it will be just as simple as TC -- if you are comfortable with a terminal package manager.
I have a nice JWM (Joe´s Window Manager) configuration, which would allow easy access to a terminal with the package manager.
With JWM we can create a menu with categories for common packages you might want to get (so just a click, and it will lauch a terminal with importsce -options package_name).
So no need for some extra program to view common packages -- just a lovely WM ^^
I have a fast application-listing script for it as well, and a partition listing script (so no need to open a file-manager and navigate to a disk).
But the JWM package in Debian is insanely huge, so we should probably use TC's or a custom build of it.
I'm not suggesting we create everything through scripts and JWM menus though, just the basics.
FLWM doesn't have a panel for tray-apps either, and JWM is fast and fully featured. It's also well-written.
Well, that was a lot about dCore usability improvements...
But what I was trying to get at, is that dCore can have a low entry-level, and still be very technical.
As to install all the things a new user would expect to find can be done with just the mouse.
Something not even TC has.
Back to the wiki:
So my intended audience is mostly developers (meaning anyone interested in contributing, and learn everything about dCore).
As we will now have to cooperate, or at least communicate, we could simply work on separate pages.
You can get started on the intro page, and I on the development page, where I write a guide to the scripts, and list links and other stuff.
But I will first publish my writing that fits into the intro page, to the dCore:welcome discussion page.
Sounds good?
I didn't think you had already fleshed out the page -- didn't even look at it (I must have lacked sufficient glycogen in my brain or something).
And it's looking good! still I will publish my introductory sections on the discussion page.