wifi working here too.
Thanks, as I see it can be marked safely as solved. Hopefully Gerrelt gets the same result
Yes, Gerrelt gets the same results too! Thank you for the change Béla!
Everything is working fine on this release now.
Can I make one more suggestion for the wifi.sh change?
The script continuus, even when the wpa_supplicant command fails.
Could we change this line:
system("wpa_supplicant -i " d " -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -B -D $WPADRV >/dev/null 2>&1")
if (system("wpa_supplicant -i " d " -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -B -D $WPADRV >/dev/null 2>&1") != 0) {
print "\n\nERROR: Could not start wpa_suppicant" > "/dev/stderr"
exit 1
That way the script will exit with an error in case the wpa_supplicant command fails.