Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the availability of piCore-5.2rc1, the first release candidate for 5.2: log for 5.2rc1:
* kernel updated to 3.13.3
* updated RPi firmware
* useBusybox in tc-functions changed to eliminate interference with certain installed GNU apps
* rebuildfstab: do not replace fstab entries for a device that does not have "Added by TC" on the line (thanks to Gerald Clark)
* init: increase the default inode count
* ondemand: don't list extensions under subdirs in onboot maintenance
* busybox updated to 1.22.1 and split suid/nosuid for better security
* ldd: Added quotes for binaries with spaces in their names
* /etc/services: modified to suit rpcbind rather than portmap
* tc-functions: Removed the getpasswd stars to allow backspace to work
* added accelerated arm-mem library to spead-up memcmp, memcpy, memmove & memset
Images with preinstalled SSH for headless operation and with GUI also available.
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