Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the release of Core v5.1: log:
* kernel: updated from 3.8.10 to 3.8.13, to correct long sync issues
(This is a minor update to fix a specific bug. No config changes)
* tce-fetch: updated to support $KERNEL parameter (thanks to maro)
* version: added multi-architecture support
* tc-functions: getbootparam updated to properly match a parameter that is a substring
* tc-functions: getpasswd updated to preserve last character entered in a password
Note that this version is available in three formats:
core: fully 32-bit
core64: 32-bit with 64-bit kernel modules
corepure64: fully 64-bit
The fully 32-bit core is available in three iso files - core*.iso, tinycore*.iso and coreplus*.iso
core, core64 and corepure64 are available from: rootfs.gz + modules.gz + vmlinuz
core64: rootfs.gz + modules64.gz + vmlinux64
corepure64: rootfs64.gz + modules64.gz + vmlunux64
Update instructions:
1. Copy over new vmlinuz/vmlinuz64
2. Copy over new core.gz or rootfs.gz + modules.gz/modules64.gz or rootfs64.gz + modules64.gz
3. Boot into new system
if You have/use X then
AppsAduit -> Dependencies -> Build Reporting Database -> Fetch Missing
or if you only use core or rootfs + modules (no X) or Xorg did not start and only have a system prompt use:
tce-audit builddb
tce-audit fetchmissing
If using corepure64 alongside core and/or core64, a separate /tce directory is required for the 64-bit extensions and must be specified using "tce=" in the bootloader.