The only advantage I see is saving HD or flash media storage space. What is your goal, a lean and clean system where nothing is duplicated in RAM or simply smaller storage media space requirements? Nothing is duplicated in the running system, loading one sce that contains an xorg and then another that also contains it does not require any more RAM.
hi jason w,
most of the time i need just X, a browser, a mail-agent, mc and ssh.
for this scenario i need a fast booting, lean system that is easy to update, to clone or to modify.
i think there is a difference between 10s boottime or around 40-60s,
around 300mb of ram or almost all my 1gb that has to swap and so on.
if i need libreoffice, gimp or multimedia than it's o.k. to wait another 10s to load the extension,
then it's o.k. that more ram is needed for that single package,
but the unneeded packages should not bloat my system.
the main reason is that i want to avoid to put everything in one sce
that could be rarely needed once in the next 12 months

That, and one would have to know which packages are smaller than others so they could start with the smaller ones first. And then those sce's would have to be loaded in exactly the same order as they were imported or there would be missing libraries or files possible.
i think that the users that are interested in this option will learn to understand the way how to use it

by the way some distributions use a similiar approach...
first a core-package is loaded, then a package with the x-windows-infrastructure,
afterwards you can choose between different packages that include windowsmanagers or desktop-environments,
then there is a choice of different browser-packages,
later you can choose between a small office-package like abiword or the big libreoffice-suite,
and at the very end eventually a development-tool-set is loaded.
with this approach the user can decide between a non-X-base system, different desktop-environments, browsers, office-solutions and the option of development without the disadvantages of an full-blown livesystem that includes all choices that could be needed some time.
i think that it's not so difficult to start with a base.sce, then package in the next stage something like desktop.sce based on base.sce and then package something like multimedia.sce or office.sce based on these two.
perhaps it won't be the most common way to use dCore, but it could be a suitable option.
thank you for all your considerations, ideas and help.