hi jason w,
i tried your new rc and did
import -d galculator
Choose the sce you want use as a dependency. You can choose more than one, and enter q for quit when you have completed your selection.
1. libreoffice4.1
2. mydesktop
3. original-modules-3.8.13-tinycore
Enter selection ( 1 - 3 ) or (q)uit: q
cat: can't open '/tmp/tcloop/mydesktop/usr/local/sce/mydesktop/mydesktop.md5sum': No such file or directory
cat: can't open '/tmp/tcloop/original-modules-3.8.13-tinycore/usr/local/sce/original-modules-3.8.13-tinycore/original-modules-3.8.13-tinycore.md5sum': No such file or directory
Proceed to create galculator.sce? (y/N):
===> a dependency-file is created, but the galculator.sce has the same size as without the -d-option.
then i did another
tc@box:~$ importsce -s -f .TCE/sce/mydesktop
after the preparation of the merging i get multiple error messages like:
grep: /tmp/.scedebs: No such file or directory
===> and a corrupted small mydesktop.sce is merged with missing files...
thank you for your help and work for the community