I would like to contribute my own script here, that given a package, creates a URLs file of all dependencies that can be used in wget to bring locally all extensions and missing libraries.
I am using this to create the remaster cpio gz addon in diskless booting.
For example if I want to put firefox and all dependencies, all I have to do is execute my script with firefox.tcz as the first parameter and all the dependencies are gathered recursivelly.
Then all the tcz files and md5 are put into a gz file for remaster and I just have to append this file in the proper pxe line:
append initrd=linux/tinycore/core.gz,linux/tinycore/remaster/firefox.cpio.gz
The script is located at:
http://arch.icte.uowm.gr/mdasyg/misc/tinycorelinux_packages_and_deps.sh and you can use it with the script that fetches all packages from:
http://arch.icte.uowm.gr/mdasyg/misc/tinycorelinux_fetch_packages.shIf you have any suggestions feel free to notify me.