Thanks coreplayer2 for the build suggestions. I would like to set up an installation of TC 5.0 Alpha on a USB stick and do some tests and at least minor updates to my FLTK app packages including Fluff over the next several weeks. I won't have much time in the next week or so however.

My new main Linux laptop is a < 1 year-old Sandy-Bridge-class dual core Pentium machine from ASUS, which came with Windows 7 and I think uses UEFI for the boot loader. Any advice on how to set up a bootable TC 5.0 USB stick to work with this? Or anybody?

I've hesitated because TC 4.7 has been out so long and now TC 5.0 is coming and I was not sure how well UEFI is supported.
Currently, I have Xubuntu 12.04 installed on the hard drive along with a boot option for Windows 7 (which I only use to grab pictures from an SD memory card because that drive is completely dead in Xubuntu). But if I get back to using TC again regularly, I would do a better job of keeping the apps maintained, maybe even improved. Later, after TC 5.0 is officially released, I would like to do a full frugal or similar install on my hard drive.