Hi bmarkus and other microcore gurus.
Now the Easter is coming I will have some time which I can spend on the microcore and raspberry.
I really would like to learn/try to see if I can manage to update the kernel in microcore. But as you probably already know I just recently started to use linux and microcore. But I am ready to give it a try.
On the wiki I found this:
http://wiki.tinycorelinux.net/wiki:custom_kernelThe process to create a custom kernel could in short be described as:
1. Get the sources for the version of the standard Linux kernel that you are going to base your kernel on
2. Get the patches you intend to apply - both TC kernel patches and possibly others (in my case the RT-patches)
3. Unpack the linux sources and cd into the top level directory of the source package
4. Apply the patches using (in most cases) “patch -p1 < patchfile” for each patch file
5. Move the kernel config file from the standard TC kernel into the same directory and rename it to ”.config”
6. Do “make oldconfig” and answer all questions, in case you have no clue on the answer just provide the default ones (i.e. just hit Return)
7. Do “make menuconfig” and make any changes you need to the configuration
8. Do “make bzImage” to build the kernel itself
9. Do “make modules” to build the loadable modules
10. Do “make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/path modules_install firmware_install” where /path is a path to a directory where you expect to find the modules.
At this point you will find the kernel file as “arch/x86/boot/bzImage” (relative to the directory from where you issues all the make commands). Further you will find all loadable modules and firmware files under ”/path/lib/modules/kernel_version” and ”/path/lib/firmware”
The bzImage file need to be moved to a location where your boot loader can access it and the boot loader needs also to be configured to boot using the new kernel.
Point no 1:
So I should get the sources from the raspberry github.
According to the raspberry site this is done like this:
git fetch git://github.com/raspberrypi/linux.git rpi-3.6.y:refs/remotes/origin/rpi-3.6.y
git checkout rpi-3.6.y
Will that work on Picore-X beta?
Point no 2: -I will skip as no patches is needed.
Point no 3: - Seems easy
Point no 4: I will skip as no patches is needed
Point 5-10: Should be followed.
So are this the steps I need to perform?
I plan to use the picore-X beta image made by bmarkus on my raspberry pi board - could you please tell me what other packages I need to install before this is possible?
If others are also trying to compile a new kernel - maybe we could collaborate on this?