I've ordered a micro ARM based computer : was originally just going to develop some android software like a launcher and some bits and bobs to make it feel more like a desktop computer,
but I have also been wondering about rolling a custom version of linux.
as it's ARM it's quite a lightweight machine, and so I thought debian or ubuntu or something would kill it - and I like the idea of a cloud based OS.
So what about TC on a one of these things. it'll be great for a little FTP / Media server box.

the specs are : (if your to lazy to click the link (I don't blame you

Rockchip Rk3066 A9 dual core 1.6Ghz,
Mali-400 GPU (Quad Core 240MHz)
not sure about the chipset - I mean , it's an SoC so I guess it doesn't have one / depends on the chip.
I've read somewhere there there is increasing support for the chinese SoC processors, however I'm not to sure how to get it rolling - as anything, I'm just have to experiment.

And this is IF the bootloader is unlocked / unlockable - I suppose I have to do some more research.
EDIT : Mali-400 acceleration support looks pretty slim. Hasn't anyone just contacted Allwiner / Rockchip / who ever and asked nicely for the source code for the graphics libraries?
Might ring them up tomorrow - maybe not... ^_^
Hmm... Graphics programming has always intrigued me - it seems like a black art , only 92 year old masters can understand the functioning of a GPU... hmmm....

Something even more too look into.
I suppose I still have my whole life to sit around and do absolute &"$& all.