So I downloaded piCore-20121202 and installed it to a SD card as instructed in the README.txt file. I now have a working desktop.

I tried to install python following the example in the README.txt file. I type "tce" from the command terminal to start the TCE application. I type "s" to search for "python". I see the following options:
1. python-dev.tcz
2. python-doc.tcz
3. python-git.tcz
4. python-libproxy.tcz
5. python.tcz
I choose "5" and see that it is version "2.7.3", "Binaries only", "Compiled for RPI". I choose "q" to quit and press "i" to install. I get the following output.
Connecting to (
wget: short write
sqlite3.tcz: FAILED
md5sum: WARNING: 1 of 1 computed checksums did NOT match
Error on sqlite3.tcz
I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. I've also tried installing the other four python packages with various errors. Am I selecting the write package? Am I using the right mirror? Maybe I have a problem with my tce-setdrive? When I try to run tce-setdrive again I get this:
Your TCE Drive, /mnt/mmcblk0p1/tce, has already been selected!
I didn't have any problems when setting up my system initially. Maybe there is a problem with the python package? When I try to do this from the Apps program I get the following error trying to browser for the python package.
Error, check network, mirror or writable extension directory.
I think my network is fine because ifconfig give me reasonable ip addresses. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you very much.