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Author Topic: tce failure  (Read 4561 times)

Offline phillip.toone

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tce failure
« on: April 14, 2013, 06:02:25 PM »
While trying to download packages I sometimes get an error like this:

Downloading: gcc.tcz
Connecting to repo.tinycorelinux.net (
gcc.tcz                2% |*****                                                                                                                                                                                       |   555k  0:01:07 ETAwget: short write
gcc.tcz: FAILED
md5sum: WARNING: 1 of 1 computed checksums did NOT match
Error on gcc.tcz

Am I doing something wrong?  Is this an issue with dependencies?  Or is this an issue with the download source I am using?  Should I be using a different mirror?  If so, how do I change that?  I look forward to you help.  Thanks.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2013, 06:12:11 PM by phillip.toone »

Offline phillip.toone

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Re: tce failure
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2013, 06:23:56 PM »
Searching google makes me think I am out of space to save this download.  I have a 16GB SD card but I know the Raspberry Pi is limited to 512MB and the file system is loaded into RAM.  But the downloads are being save on /mnt/mmcblk0p1/tce and I have 8GB of swap space on my SD card.

I think this is also the reason why my install of git didn't work here.  I ran out of room for the entire git package to download and I had to add the libiconv.tcz package to make it work

I can't believe that I am the only one who has had this problem if it really is a lack for memory issue.  Let me know.  Thanks.

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Re: tce failure
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2013, 06:48:15 PM »
Searching google makes me think I am out of space to save this download.  I have a 16GB SD card but I know the Raspberry Pi is limited to 512MB and the file system is loaded into RAM.  But the downloads are being save on /mnt/mmcblk0p1/tce and I have 8GB of swap space on my SD card.

RPi is not limited to 512MB. By default extensions are mounted and not loaded to RAM it works just fine on models equipped with 256MB RAM.

Do not use mmcblk0p1 for tce, it is small boot partition with FAT file system.

Create a big ext4 partition on your SD card, format, mount and make a /tce directory. After reboot system will use it automatically expecting you have no /tce on mmcblk0p1.

8GB swap space is not necessary, 512M-1GB is pretty enough.
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Offline phillip.toone

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Re: tce failure
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2013, 10:25:02 PM »
Do not use mmcblk0p1 for tce, it is small boot partition with FAT file system.

Create a big ext4 partition on your SD card, format, mount and make a /tce directory. After reboot system will use it automatically expecting you have no /tce on mmcblk0p1.

Wow, thank you so much.  This fixed so many of the problems I was having.  I thought that the mmcblk0p1 was the ext4 partition I created and that the mmcblk0p2 was the swap space.  I don't know why I assumed that when I have never seen swap space mounted in the file system before.  That doesn't even make sense.  I think I just saw two files in mnt and associated them with the two partitions I had on the SD card.  Thank you again.  This has really fixed a lot of the problems I was having.

8GB swap space is not necessary, 512M-1GB is pretty enough.

Thank for the advise.  I just had a 16 GB SD card and split the free space in half between an ext4 partition and swap space.  When installed piCore this time I gave 15 GB to the ext4 partition and 1 GB to swap space.