Noone could possibly ever guess what you did without you providing exact documentation...
Your safest bet might be to follow regular procedure of installing different kernel.
Here is what I did step-by-step. Prior to these, I was able to pxeboot the microcore with vmlinuz and coregz as initrd.
1. download linux-3.0.21-patched.txz, unpack to a directory linux-3.0.21/
2. download config-3.0.21-tinycore and copy it to linux-3.0.21/ as .config
3. cd linux-3.0.21/, do make oldconfig and accept all defaults
4. make
5. copy linux-3.0.21/arch/x86/boot/bzImage to tftpboot/ directory as vmlinuz (overwrite the previous one)
6. try pxeboot again.
Anything I might have missed in the above?