My problem with these screensoths is lack of information, e.g. kind of desktop, window manager. For me it is nearly useless except visual joy.
I agree. There are some nice looking desktops in the gallery w/o much evidence of how they were achieved.
Perhaps users posting screen shots could be encouraged to post a wiki article describing the pictured desktop. Maybe even make the screen shot a link to said article. I'm not so sure the article should be required for posting a screenshot, but it seems likely that those posting the pic would be willing or even eager to post the description as well.
Also, in posting any kind of code or configs to the wiki, it would be nice to have a scrolling code box similar to what we have in the forum. I posted my .conkyrc on the wiki but decided to post it as an external link instead of just pasting it into the wiki page - its so big it just looked terrible when pasted in.
That reminds me - I tried to upload the .conkyrc file to the wiki but got an error message indicating the filename extension wasn't allowed. I tried naming it with and without the leading dot and with and without a trailing .txt. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?