Tiny Core Base > Raspberry Pi
Towards Core (microcore) on Raspberry Pi
Version of qemu not stated.
As I stated in another thread I have seen Raspbian running on qemu-
--- Quote from: netnomad on September 06, 2012, 03:13:16 PM ---hi roberts,
would you mind to add the arm-version of mc.tcz with it's dependencies?
... so the testing and exploring of your arm-stages would be much more convenient, easier and faster.
and the learnig curve would be much higher :-)
thank you for your efforts.
--- End quote ---
I am the only one working on this and as only one I will not be able to build all the extensions.
My focus, as with x86 Core, has been the base system. There is still much to do there.
I am relying on the slogan, "If you build it they will come." I must rely on a community to contribute as they have overwhelmingly done with the x86 platform.
As much as x86 Core is mature and stable, both arm ports are hatchlings just begining to walk; not able to fully run just yet.
I have had an open strategy to kickstart these arm ports. Each milestone has been posted and shared with the community.
I am currently looking into enhancing an existing tool to further demonstrate both arm systems.
I can't wait to try this, though I won't have the SD card for another week or so. In the meantime I'll try compiling a few extensions with the Raspbian card.
Thank you for your continued work on Core, both with the x86 and ARM.
Posted an update rpiCore-20120907.img.gz in http://distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/4.x/arm/armv6/
Fixed incorrectly configured squashfs module.
tce-load -i is now working!
Still contains way more modules than needed for base. But I left them in for now to hopefully help testing.
This may or may not be of interest::
It contains some ARM binaries. The parent directory contains some cross compilers and the readme file
states that image files are bootable under qemu.
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