Tiny Core Base > Raspberry Pi

Towards Core (microcore) on Raspberry Pi

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As I stated in the first announcement post there are no extensions; yet!
You can test very basic stuff, for example:

Connect a usb pendrive via a powered hub.
create some test files in home.
try to backup to pendrive.
try to restore from pendrive.
edit cmdline.txt on sdcard to specify restore=sda1
test persistent home on pendrive, and opt

try using deb to tcz utility on some command line  raspbian deb packages and see if they will work.
try compling some command line utilty rapsbian and see if that will work.

I am working on setting up a procedure to keep raspbaerry pi and allwinner arm ports in sync with x86 core.
Once I get there I will then try to make a few simple extensions.

This is only the beginning!

Too much to do.

Any help is appreciated.

Tried to run rpiCore-20120904.img in QEMU but no success. If someone have done it already, please share howto.

Posted an update rpiCore-20120906.img.gz in http://distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/4.x/arm/armv6/
This syncs with x86 Core's base v4.6.1 and I updated the modules. Currently it contains way more modules than needed for base. But I left them in for now to hopefully help testing.

hi roberts,

would you mind to add the arm-version of mc.tcz with it's dependencies?
... so the testing and exploring of your arm-stages would be much more convenient, easier and faster.
and the learnig curve would be much higher :-)

thank you for your efforts.


--- Quote from: bmarkus on September 06, 2012, 02:41:09 AM ---Tried to run rpiCore-20120904.img in QEMU but no success. If someone have done it already, please share howto.

--- End quote ---



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