Tiny Core Base > Raspberry Pi

Towards Core (microcore) on Raspberry Pi

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Now I have Core 4.6 running in QEMU on WINDOWS XP.  As the first check I built a small C program. It works, so I will try with more complex programs mainained by me on TC.

I built John password cracker as it has no dependency and compiles on a traditional way. Works fine on Core. I packed it to a .tcz extension. Result is a rotating rotdash during load which never stops. Also I tried to loop mount manually but it doesn't work.

Is it expected to work already?

Yes! tce-load works. However you need the lastest posted version.
I am running links text web browser on Raspberry Pi Core.
Which loads links.tcz and 6 dependencies!   ;D

Tested 20120907 version with a /tce dir on an ext4 image. It is found, drive mounted and /etc/sysconfig/tcedir linked to tce. However if extension is on onboot.lst boot procedure stops at extension loading.

Deleting onboot.lst system boots fine and works. Trying 'mount -o loop john.tcz 1' where 1 is an empty directory nothing happens. No message, no prompt.

john.tcz is packed on TC x86

I use tce-load -i /mnt/sda1/links.tcz and works as expected.
Does not matter if I pack on tinycore or raspbian.
Have not tried onboot as that would mean editing cmdline.txt on sdcard.


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