General TC > Remasters / Remixes - Unofficial

Core17: TinyCoreLinux remaster including Enlightenment (DR17) Desktop Manager.

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Sorry LinuxUser 01 but I haven't understood well your last post.
the ecomorph page says:
Please note that development has stopped. I try to fix bugs as they are reported but I am using and working on the compositing manager that comes with e17.

I made a new remaster:
Version 1.2

* Removed unneeded tcz from the wifi versions.
* Maybe some "e" extensions are updated.

    I was explaining in my previous post how version 1.1 is buggy, and now i just tried version 1.2 and it is still buggy, so i just went back to version 1.0 which seems to be the most stable version so far. Thank you for your time again.

New version 1.3

* Based on core 4.6rc2
* Updeted all the efl to 1.7.0-alpha
* Splash boot using exquisite  :o
* Due to this, the exquisite deps (part of the efl) and exquisite itsefl, are inside the initrd & onboot
PS. for exquisite to work u need to add vga=789 (as an example) to the boot append line, which I've already done in the iso, but if u install the iso u have to do it yourself

New version: 1.3.2
* Removable devices appear on the desktop without needing an "e" restart.
* Changed exquisite (boot splash) theme. Now is black and with the core17 logo
Added core.gz in the download area

            I have booted the 1.3.2 version you recently added and got mixed results. The first time after pressing enter at boot, i would get an error "login[4516]:root login on 'tty1' before it attempts to load the desktop. The second time after pressing enter at boot, it would ask me about that vga=*** setting and when i set any resolution it would either freeze at the desktop or freeze after setting up all the settings that it asks me (ie: Language, OpenGL). I've tried several times and either its that login error or a freeze. This is occurring on two separate machines by the way, so not just one system.


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