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Core17: TinyCoreLinux remaster including Enlightenment (DR17) Desktop Manager.

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I made a new version, with new "e", I've removed ecomorph, and core is 4.6rc1

            Thank you again for your work, jls_legalize. I've tried overwriting the core.gz and vmlinuz while doing a check update in the Apps Browser, but could not get Xprogs.tcz to update, but instead i got  "Error Could not verify ephysics.tcz" and "Error Could not verify terminology.tcz" which usually comes up when i try to run the update anyways. So i tried just downloading the Xprogs.tcz from the release candidates location and overwriting it into my TCE/Optional folder and that did the trick to get the mirrorpicker GUI working along with the other updates Roberts has put together in the 4.6rc1. Now what do you mean "with new "e"? I've reinstalled Core17.iso 1.0 version three times and from the previous installation that Ecomorph wasn't present, even with the third installation (Running now) i still don't notice Ecomorph being present, but it is still in the OnBoot. I've checked it out by going into Module Settings/System and it hasn't been loaded, which is fine by me. Thank you again...

new e means that most of the enlightenment extensions are updated.
ephysics and terminology are not yet on the tc repo because I'm waiting for the soon coming efl 1.7.
Xprogs included should be 4.6rc1.
I removed ecomorph because u reported the composite error, but if that doesn't gives problems I can reintroduce it.
If u wanted to try ecomorph u had to enable it's module

   Okay, i'm not sure how this Enlightenment windows manager updates itself, but from glancing at the bottom right portion of the screen during startup i see ver. 0.16.999.0. Now regarding Ecomorph, don't worry about it, its fine with the decision you've made in the 1.1 version. What's the difference with terminology compared to terminal since they both look the same just with a different interface. I'm not sure what ephysics really is, but i really don't mind that the Apps Browser is giving me errors when i try to run the update, but go ahead and wait until efl 1.7 comes out.

   Well, i just installed the 1.1 version on to my flash drive and when i first came into the desktop after the initial setup the screen was corrupted. So i downloaded ecomorph.tcz and libsndfile.tcz OnBoot from the Apps Browser, but it seems as if the Composite Manager has some issues with ecomorph running after trying to load it since it literally crashed the os. I had to CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE out and reboot from there since the Reboot options didn't work anymore. So now they are OnBoot but not loaded and the screen is fine now. Its got to be an issue with the Enlightenment (DR17) Desktop Manager just being buggy, i don't know.


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