General TC > Remasters / Remixes - Unofficial

Core17: TinyCoreLinux remaster including Enlightenment (DR17) Desktop Manager.

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 This is what i have been doing since i started using Tiny Core several months ago and it works. When i stated OnBoot, i meant when downloading it off the Apps browser from the destro. Besides that automatically puts a flash11.tcz in the boot items anyways since i just check On Boot Items in Apps/Maintenance/On Boot Maintenance.

 Thank you again for the information regarding where to post bugs, since i have noticed some more, mplayer won't run from clicking it from the desktop menu "Application run error- mplayer failed to start". Also the mixer will give you an error since it cannot find a particular file called libasound something something, so i just unban it. Plus i'm not sure why my display doesn't allow OpenGL, so i just don't set that up from the beginning anymore.


--- Quote from: LinuxUser01 on August 01, 2012, 06:58:55 PM ---@jls_legalize
mplayer won't run from clicking it from the desktop menu "Application run error- mplayer failed to start". Also the mixer will give you an error since it cannot find a particular file called libasound something something, so i just unban it. Plus i'm not sure why my display doesn't allow OpenGL, so i just don't set that up from the beginning anymore.

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There is no mplayer in the iso, it's the "e"wizard who makes that menu entry, I've opened a ticket about that:
I've added libasound.tcz in the current iso which is laready online.
I've also added the Xorg-7.6-3d.tcz & xf86-video-all.tcz for the Opengl (this depends on your video card and on luck, as you can read in the Xorg-7.6-3d info it's written that for some cards 7.5 is better).

Notice: this remaster is not a real (hacked) remaster, infact core.gz is untouched

     Yes, i have noticed the changes you have made when i first looked at the Core17.iso size compared to the one you posted yesterday while typing my previous post; the added Xorg-7.6-3d, xf86-video-all, ecomorph & libasound was a great help, thank you. It no longer gives me that error regarding the mixer, nor the openGL issues. So the screen resolution automatically adjusts to 1920x1080 compared to the lower resolution it had before. Let me reboot since i have noticed a new error message popping up that i have never seen before....

UPDATE: Okay, this is what i noticed after a reboot, "Compositor Error - Another compositor is already running on your screen." and i just need to click ok for it to disappear.


--- Quote from: LinuxUser01 on August 01, 2012, 08:46:52 PM ---UPDATE: Okay, this is what i noticed after a reboot, "Compositor Error - Another compositor is already running on your screen." and i just need to click ok for it to disappear.

--- End quote ---
That's maybe because e17 is launched through ecomp/ecomorph, if this gives problems, better to put it ondemand and not onboot on next release.

     Well, i tried putting ecomorph.tcz into OnDemand from OnBoot and that didn't help. So i tried unloading the Composite Manager from the Module Settings and that did the trick. By the way after switching ecomorph.tcz from OnBoot to OnDemand and coming back from a reboot the screen was corrupted each time i would click somewhere. Anyhow i am very happy with this Core17.iso that you have uploaded and have also revised recently, and i hope they do fix the bugs because there are so many of them that i have noticed. Thanks and hope to see you around the forums.


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