Just up from a bad bout of flue.

OK then:
-- Booting from the live CD with bootcodes "noutc tz=PHT-8 vga=791" brings up TCL
-- with these settings showing correct Manla time and resolution.
-- Installing TCL to a USB flash drive with bootcodes "noutc tz=PHT-8 vga=791"
-- installs TCL correctly with those codes and when booting from flash
-- drive time is set correctly to Manila time and resolution.
-- Installing TCL to a hard drive with bootcodes "noutc tz=PHT-8 vga=791"
-- installs TCL with time set to UTC and incorrect, unusable large
-- resolution.
-- Installing TCL from the flash drive to the hard drive with bootcodes
-- "noutc tz=PHT-8 vga=791" installs TCL with time showing as PHT, however,
-- 8 hours off and correct resolution. Time can easily be corrected with
-- command "date -s "HH:MM". showbootcodes shows none of the given codes.
I cannot show the bootcodes in HD installation since I am running now TCL
on the HD from the flash drive install which I would have to destroy again with a new
install from the CD since booting from the CD it will always mount the HD
TCL partion which I am not able to unmount.
If I know how to boot from the CD w/o mounting the TCL HD partion I can make
an install on another partion. TCL will not install if on a given drive a partion
is mounted.