I have not yet been able to tweak TCL that it will give my local time as
such. TCL insists of naming it UTC. I have followed the instruction of FAQ,
Wiki, and those posted in the forum. TCL keeps insisting my time is UTC even
if it shows the correct local time. I have wmCalClock set to show UTC time,
yes it does except it is the local time.
The solution is that after booting I set the time with the date command
for the localtime and immediately it is set correctly to PHT and and
wmCalClock gives the real UTC time.
I don't mind giving this date command after booting, however, it would be
nice to have it done by TCL. The command is
sudo date -s "H:M"
H for hour and M for minutes. How could that be executed. I tried a number
of variations on consulting the man date, however, can't get it right.
My BIOS is set to local time which is Asia/Manila or 8 hours ahead of UTC.
Anyone knows?