Hello AbNoRMiS,
Thanks for the feedback.
compiletc.tcz was indeed installed, on a previous install. But I tried to re-format the disk and completly re-install TC from the ground up. The result was, that I didn't appear to have any packages left installed, but the home directory was intact, but no packages re-installed correctly.
Assuming the command
tce-load -i extension.tcz
should then be
tce-load -i compiletc.tcz
Returns an error:
"compiletc.tcz not found!"
The directory '/etc/sysconfig/tcedir/' does not exist (leave alone any of the subdirectories or files. These probably did nót survive the format.)
tce-audit builddb appears to succeed (no errors)
tce-audit fetchmissing returns an error:
Downloading cz.tcz
Error on cz.tcz
Starting with 'norestore' does indeed clear the home directory. But according to the AppsAudit GUI tool, not the installed packages and stuff.
But IMO the installation is 'fubar'. My bad, probably, but I want it all gone. Wiped. nuke-and-pave and start over. Is it possible to do this with the TC installation process? Or should I boot from some other LiveCD and clear it out this way?