So, while you are very industrious abnormis, this one can not deny 
so far i have time and opportunities but more simply saying while i unemployed
It might make sense and simplify the lives of those seeking the entire distribution translated.
i just look at this in terms of non-english spoken users
and i think about how this would be more convenient to use and easier to realised
I do not know if it's essential to have the local gtk to use the local of "pidgin", it is require?
gui localization, any dialogues, file dialogues such as open, save etc
including such trifles as button labels such as yes, no, cancel, apply, enter etc
diagnostic messages and including error messages etc
for the rest, if it is correct way, can be done automatically with your script is good, do it by hand would be tedious
i can not argue that this is genuinely the right way that locale has deps
locales should not have depends with my point of view
and downloading and deleting should make the system functions
(by the way as it does system script tce-load to load locales)
but if is customary in tinycore so that locale dependent from main extension
then i just suggest to improve this