Great new update thanks

Attempted to update a perfect working 4.1 tinycore and copied the core files plus xprogs, xlibs wbar, xvesa, fltk-1.1.0 (tce-audit builddb & fetchmissing did not find this dependency) flwm_topside. many attempts to reboot to x fails. Ok must be missing something here..
Rebooted again to "udevadm settle timeout" error message...
seems like a mismatch of deps here.. ok have almost exhausted my charm on this system today, am going to revert to 4.3 if I can and try again..
ok on 4.3 now and error message has left the building (hopefully to stay gone..) still can't start X
Added desktop=flwm_topside to boot config file, but still no desktop. boots to a a command line, ran tceaudit builddb and fetchmissing additionally ran tce-update still no joy..
Rebooted again to "udevadm settle timeout" error message...
clearly have missed something...
Ok one more time....