from the FAQ:
How do I mount windows shares?
If the sharing computer is at least Windows 2000, you can mount the share with only the filesystems-2.6.26.tcem extension.
I have a computer with XP on it; i have filessystems-2.6.26.tcem installed on my tc box.
In a root console:
mkdir /mnt/windows
mount -t cifs // /mnt/windows -o user=myname,pass=mypassword
Replace the IP with your sharing computer's IP. If you need to log into a domain instead of the computer, you can add domain=mydomain to the options.
I spend hours yesterday evening in order to connect a shared folder on a windows machine in my network (standard eth0 linkage), and that's why i have a couple of questions:
1. how to look for windows shares? there does not seem to have an extension in order to look for shares (folders and printers) in a network; such an extension would be of great help;
2. the mount command did not work for me, and returned an error saying someting like "cfis bad filename"; i tried
sudo mount -t vfat //IP/shared_folder /mnt/mytcshares
but it did not want to connect the shared folder. IP address is ok (i can ping the machines in my network) and the file format is also ok (fat32). What am I doing wrong?