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I just found this, a 199$ ARM desktop comp: would be actually usable, with nice specs. Though would require binary Nvidia drivers.
are you not allowed to discuss prices and gear on the forum?
Are those e-350 APU chips giving the same performance as nivida graphics chips?
Yes, i did not realize atoms can't do virtualistaion. Does that mean you can'trun Virtualbox on an atom chip? (hmmm...seems odd).
YesYou see these ARM chip netbooks sold on the web. go NEW for as little as 70 dollars (ebay.)They use the ARM wm8650 chip which is a chip that runs at 350 MHZ.This same chips is also used in the generic chinese slates you see everywhere.I have used these slates and they are perfectly fine.There is also a proper Debian Linux for this ARM chip. There is also a proper GentooLinux for this chip. So you can use Android 2.2 Froyo or Linux or win CE on thesemachines. extra USB Keyboard/Case is about 10 dollars NEW on ebay. (it plugs in)(these slates are simply excellent)These machines use a 350Mhz ARM chip. The Rasberry Pi usesa 700 mHZ chip so it would seem that it should be ok for Linux.Here are the free Linux distros for ARM. ("Debian" and "Gentoo" and "EasyPC linux" and "Angstrom linux" and "Android 2.2 Froyo" and "WinCE 6.0")Gentoo Linux For vt8500 ARM chip and wm8050 and wm8650 ARm chip machines. (Download List)Android 2.2 Froyo For wm8050 and wm8650 ARM chip is android 2.2 work on my 2.2 just format sd card and copy file to root of sd put in the netbook sd slot turn on install and your done this is the only one that has worked for me all others after install gave me black screen Linux For wm8050 and wm8650 ARM chip machines. (Post 1180) Vt8500 ARM chip machines. (Bento Linux)Hard to find.Angstrom Linux For wm8050 and wm8650 ARM chip machines. 6.0 see that these Chromebooks are now on-sale. This idea of 16 gig SSD chip drivesand no moving parts and dual core atom chips (ultra thin laptop) is very nice.Reasonable price indeed. 349 dollars.