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Author Topic: rasberry Pi (ARM chip computer)  (Read 49012 times)

Offline vinceASPECT

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rasberry Pi (ARM chip computer)
« on: July 27, 2011, 04:33:30 AM »

You see these ARM chip netbooks sold on the web.


they go NEW for as little as 70 dollars (ebay.)

They use the ARM wm8650 chip which is a chip that runs at 350 MHZ.

This same chips is also used in the generic chinese slates you see everywhere.

I have used these slates and they are perfectly fine.

There is also a proper Debian Linux for this ARM chip. There is also a proper Gentoo
Linux for this chip. So you can use Android 2.2 Froyo or Linux or win CE on these


the extra USB Keyboard/Case is about 10 dollars NEW on ebay. (it plugs in)
(these slates are simply excellent)

These machines use a 350Mhz ARM chip. The Rasberry Pi uses
a 700 mHZ chip so it would seem that it should be ok for Linux.

Here are the free Linux distros for ARM.  ("Debian" and "Gentoo" and "EasyPC linux" and "Angstrom linux" and "Android 2.2 Froyo" and "WinCE 6.0")

Gentoo Linux For vt8500 ARM chip and wm8050 and wm8650 ARm chip machines.
http://trac.freya-webtechniek.nl/trac/Linux_VT8500/wiki/WikiStart (Download List)

Android 2.2 Froyo For wm8050 and wm8650 ARM chip machines.
here is android 2.2 work on my 2.2 just format sd card and copy file to root of sd put in the netbook sd slot turn on install and your done this is the only one that has worked for me all others after install gave me black screen


Debian Linux For wm8050 and wm8650 ARM chip machines.
http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1349626&page=118  (Post 1180)

EasyPClinuxFor Vt8500 ARM chip machines. (Bento Linux)
Hard to find.

Angstrom Linux For wm8050 and wm8650 ARM chip machines.

WinCE 6.0


I see that these Chromebooks are now on-sale. This idea of 16 gig SSD chip drives
and no moving parts and dual core atom chips (ultra thin laptop) is very nice.
Reasonable price indeed.  349 dollars.



Offline curaga

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Re: rasberry Pi (ARM chip computer)
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2011, 11:23:22 AM »
I just found this, a 199$ ARM desktop comp:


That would be actually usable, with nice specs. Though would require binary Nvidia drivers.
The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.

Offline netnomad

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Re: raspberry Pi (ARM chip computer)
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2011, 11:51:56 AM »
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 03:43:09 PM by netnomad »

Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: rasberry Pi (ARM chip computer)
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2011, 11:20:09 AM »
I just found this, a 199$ ARM desktop comp:


That would be actually usable, with nice specs. Though would require binary Nvidia drivers.

That is a very nice machine

Also new slates with laptop keyboard and mouse are now only $89. These are ARM wm8650 slates and i have used them and they are fine. They can run Debian Linux right away. Also Gentoo. They are also 3G compatible and you can plug any 3G dongle over USB or 3G cell phone to get web. (they come with Android 2.2 Froyo)

What also look good are these "Macbook air" china clones at $279 dollar sporting windows 7  OR Linux.


These Chinese Macbook Air clones are very nice at $279 dollar.


They have a 250 gig hard drive with n455 1.67ghz atom chip (64 bit capable and it's own GPU) 1 gig of ram and a remote control and other things and are a lovely design.

When you consider the UK price for a Macbook Air is 1000 pounds sterling against 169 pounds for the china clone it seems china win.


Ofcourse, there are differences, the major one being, in your pocket.  :)


Offline curaga

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Re: rasberry Pi (ARM chip computer)
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2011, 01:18:52 PM »
At least we are in offtopic ;) but the price of that netbook looks far too much to me. Just last week I got a Lenovo laptop with an E-350 dual core, 3gb ram, 320gb hd etc for 200e (287$ according to google).
The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.

Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: rasberry Pi (ARM chip computer)
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2011, 02:40:56 PM »
i see

are you not allowed to discuss prices and gear on the forum?

i don't know about Lenovo....sounds likeyou got a good deal.

The chinese one is not like netbooks. It has a 13.3 inch screen and stuff.

200e means 200 euro?....287 dollars.....hmmm

i think, if you don't want to spend much then a "used" laptop off ebay is
a great buy...... if you can collect it and check it.

As for new computers....prices like your Lenovo price seem excellent.

I certainly think Macbook Airs are a joke in the UK.  $1600 dollars in the UK.
(i even know of Macbook air Clones with 10.2 inch screens and arm chips
at $149.)



Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: rasberry Pi (ARM chip computer)
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2011, 02:54:58 PM »

Are those e-350 APU chips giving the same performance as nivida graphics chips?

i mean, are they completely compatable and give the same performance as other machines containing dedicated nvidia graphics chips?



Offline curaga

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Re: rasberry Pi (ARM chip computer)
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2011, 03:34:17 AM »
are you not allowed to discuss prices and gear on the forum?

You are, but I was offtopic in your thread (ARM vs x86) ;)

Are those e-350 APU chips giving the same performance as nivida graphics chips?

The integrated Radeon graphics are equivalent to Nvidia/ATI low-end, HD5450 or 8500GT. Much better than the Atom graphics, which is all that is needed at this level.

Why I picked AMD instead of Atom are mainly better cpu/gpu performance, 64-bit, and virtualization. Most Atoms do not do 64, and no Atom supports virt.
The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.

Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: rasberry Pi (ARM chip computer)
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2011, 03:05:54 PM »

i see.

Yes, i did not realize atoms can't do virtualistaion. Does that mean you can't
run Virtualbox on an atom chip?  (hmmm...seems odd).

I have been looking at laptops to help a girl who needs a new laptop. She is
unsure and when i looked into it, it can get quite tricky.

The best i have seen is triple core machines from AMD. Price versus performance
wise...but these chinese things are also interesting.

She was about to spend 1000 dollars before i made her realize
that this is not needed.

I was reading about "hyperthreading" . Many intel chips have HT
and it seems to be a good advantage if the tools you use are multi thread tools
like say CHrome Browser. I believe that a quad core intel chip shows as 8
cores in task manager.

AMD don't seem to have an alternative to hyperthreading other than the
low price they instead offer. Which is good enough...really.

I looked at the new "8 true cores" Zambezi desktop chip from AMD. It is
roughly 360 dollars and will run at about 3.2ghz per core. It looks like a
good step forward in home computing for low price.

The sister of the Zambezi chip is for servers and is called the "interlagos" chip and goes into server boards with 2 seperate slots (2 seperate chips). Giving a total of 32 cores....but i am not sure if 16 of those are hyperthreaded virtual cores.

The AMD chip you have, seems very good. e-350

i will keep checking.


Offline curaga

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Re: rasberry Pi (ARM chip computer)
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2011, 03:08:31 PM »
Yes, i did not realize atoms can't do virtualistaion. Does that mean you can't
run Virtualbox on an atom chip?  (hmmm...seems odd).

You can, but it will be very slow, software emulation only.
The only barriers that can stop you are the ones you create yourself.

Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: rasberry Pi (ARM chip computer)
« Reply #10 on: August 01, 2011, 03:23:30 PM »

i never knew that about atom chips. You always expect intel chips
will just "do everything" and maybe a bit more.


i know that ARM chips are a different kettle of fish again. That thin PC
you showed with a dual core 1 ghz ARM chip will be really fast on Linux.

They showed it running Chrome OS too.

I have not really seen quad core atom styled netbooks, but i imagine
they exist. My friend is sponsored each year and gets a new Alienware
quad core laptop. Those are real expensive but fast.


Offline vinceASPECT

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Re: rasberry Pi (ARM chip computer)
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2011, 10:55:22 PM »

You see these ARM chip netbooks sold on the web.


they go NEW for as little as 70 dollars (ebay.)

They use the ARM wm8650 chip which is a chip that runs at 350 MHZ.

This same chips is also used in the generic chinese slates you see everywhere.

I have used these slates and they are perfectly fine.

There is also a proper Debian Linux for this ARM chip. There is also a proper Gentoo
Linux for this chip. So you can use Android 2.2 Froyo or Linux or win CE on these


the extra USB Keyboard/Case is about 10 dollars NEW on ebay. (it plugs in)
(these slates are simply excellent)

These machines use a 350Mhz ARM chip. The Rasberry Pi uses
a 700 mHZ chip so it would seem that it should be ok for Linux.

Here are the free Linux distros for ARM.  ("Debian" and "Gentoo" and "EasyPC linux" and "Angstrom linux" and "Android 2.2 Froyo" and "WinCE 6.0")

Gentoo Linux For vt8500 ARM chip and wm8050 and wm8650 ARm chip machines.
http://trac.freya-webtechniek.nl/trac/Linux_VT8500/wiki/WikiStart (Download List)

Android 2.2 Froyo For wm8050 and wm8650 ARM chip machines.
here is android 2.2 work on my 2.2 just format sd card and copy file to root of sd put in the netbook sd slot turn on install and your done this is the only one that has worked for me all others after install gave me black screen


Debian Linux For wm8050 and wm8650 ARM chip machines.
http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1349626&page=118  (Post 1180)

EasyPClinuxFor Vt8500 ARM chip machines. (Bento Linux)
Hard to find.

Angstrom Linux For wm8050 and wm8650 ARM chip machines.

WinCE 6.0


I see that these Chromebooks are now on-sale. This idea of 16 gig SSD chip drives
and no moving parts and dual core atom chips (ultra thin laptop) is very nice.
Reasonable price indeed.  349 dollars.




if anybody is interested there was the builds of these operating systems in a download torrent.

Interestingly they have the actual build file .iso of the Angstrom Linux for wm8050 Arm chip devices.
It probably works on wm8650 Arm chip devices also. They also have the very hard to find "Bento Linux .iso" which is a Debian Linux. build for vt8500 Arm chip devices.


 Angstrom is under Linux and it's called  "mini......"

i also have this link which is a full Debian Linux with x11 and fluxbox for wm8050 Arm chip devices.


and also a full Android 2.2 Froyo (flash 10.1 support) for wm8050 Arm chip devices


the torrent also has the free mega-pack of 200 free apps for windows CE.  (Lot of free software)


Offline cast-fish

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Re: rasberry Pi (ARM chip computer)
« Reply #12 on: September 27, 2011, 09:11:07 PM »


this is a build of Linux that mirrors the Rasberry pi....(it's a virtual machine ARM linux)

It can be used to build software for the RP....


Offline cast-fish

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Re: rasberry Pi (ARM chip computer)
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2011, 09:25:32 AM »
first desktop GUI operating systems show up on the $25
rasberry Pi computer


Fedora 13 ARM build


Offline cast-fish

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Re: rasberry Pi (ARM chip computer)
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2011, 07:36:24 PM »
rasberry pi has taken the top Silicon Valley award......for invention.

Parts orders have been placed in volume. It seems committed now.
