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Acer TravelMate 2480 - does not support Xorg?

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Hi guiapq

--- Quote ---it downloads "Xorg-7.5.dep" but soon after this, screen goes black, with no apparent reason, just showing a line describing an "ACPI violation" for 3 seconds berofe fading away
--- End quote ---

Sorry for butting in Juanito, but do you think he should also add  noacpi   to his boot command?

No problem, this is partly why I was asking if Xvesa worked at low resolutions..


--- Quote ---I would suggest you start by booting using the "text" code and then run xsetup.sh to set resolution to 640x480x16 and "startx", if this works, try 1024x768x16. If both work, you could quite possibly get 915resolution to give you the native resolution for your screen.

--- End quote ---

worked for both

should i try the noacpi bootcode?

Hi guiapq
Try booting in text mode with  noacpi  and then as Juanito suggested try:
tce-load -wil Xorg-7.5-3d


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