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Acer TravelMate 2480 - does not support Xorg?

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this is it:

even with noacpi, ACPI still coflicts with SMBI,

but, i have figured out that it only happens when i have not downloaded yet the Xorg deps. system continues on and responding to ctrl+alt+del (forcing reboot)

so, i'll try to install Xorg anyway by letting my computer on even after screen is out.
wish me luck!

major problems are still with intel drivers, so the ACPI thing isn't the only thing hapening... unhappily :-\

any possible workarounds for the case of incompatibility between i915 and my hardware?


--- Quote from: guiapq on June 27, 2011, 12:35:29 PM ---any possible workarounds for the case of incompatibility between i915 and my hardware?

--- End quote ---

You might be able to use 915resolution with it - see the info file

how do i use "xvesa=" bootcode to activate this extension

it`s "xvesa=1280x800" or "xvesa=915resolution mode 1280 800 16"

help me a last time!


--- Code: ---$ sudo 915resolution 50 1280 800
--- End code ---

it really worked! thanks! but i still have to try out right the Xvesa= parameter, just for automating things...


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