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Acer TravelMate 2480 - does not support Xorg?
So, if I understand correctly, you were able to boot without problems using the boot code "text"?
Were you able to download the extension using "tce-load -wil Xorg-7.5-3d" successfully? From memory, this will download the extension but not load it.
Note the following:
1. With an intel graphics chipset, I doubt that xorg will start without a valid xorg.conf - i.e. it will not work "config-less"
2. With an intel graphics chipset, it is quite possible that Xvesa will only work at 640x480x16 or 1024x768x16 without resorting to 915resolution or similar.
3. Loading the Xorg-7.5-3d extension will cause the i915 kernel driver to load and will switch the kernel graphics mode. If this works correctly, you will see the fonts in text mode get much smaller. If it does not work, you will quite probably see the kinds of errors you describe.
Given the above, I would suggest you start by booting using the "text" code and then run xsetup.sh to set resolution to 640x480x16 and "startx", if this works, try 1024x768x16. If both work, you could quite possibly get 915resolution to give you the native resolution for your screen.
yep, i did boot correcty then i used
"tce-load -wil Xorg-7.5-3d"
it downloads "Xorg-7.5.dep" but soon after this, screen goes black, with no apparent reason, just showing a line describing an "ACPI violation" for 3 seconds berofe fading away
i really don`t know how to use 915resolution, but as i tried "915resolution -l" it showed me a list of possible graphic mode. guess what - no widescreen, just 1024x768 and 1280x1024.
what can i try next?
OFFTOPIC: hey, how do i get a br-abnt keyboard layout in TC? i just forgot the steps ;)
IMHO, i think that as soon as i download the 3d dep file, some awkward configuration is triggered. It was supposed to change my resolution or to do some pre-processing, but it simply its not really working
is there any script for checking the integrity (MD5sum) of my apps?
double-checking looking for broken .tcz`s might be useful for me now
--- Quote from: guiapq on June 27, 2011, 09:40:14 AM ---it downloads "Xorg-7.5.dep" but soon after this, screen goes black, with no apparent reason, just showing a line describing an "ACPI violation" for 3 seconds berofe fading away
--- End quote ---
This quite possibly means the i915 driver will not work with your hardware, so let's leave this aside for the moment.
--- Quote ---what can i try next?
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did you try the following and did it work:
--- Quote ---I would suggest you start by booting using the "text" code and then run xsetup.sh to set resolution to 640x480x16 and "startx", if this works, try 1024x768x16. If both work, you could quite possibly get 915resolution to give you the native resolution for your screen.
--- End quote ---
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