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Acer TravelMate 2480 - does not support Xorg?

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Xorg 7.5 3g .dep keeps bugging my computer as i`m try o download it  ???

it`s a kind of "ACPI conflict" then black screen.
i`m giving up installing Xorg 3d for now

i`m using vesa @ 1024x768



--- Quote from: guiapq on June 27, 2011, 02:26:32 AM ---Xorg 7.5 3g .dep keeps bugging my computer as i`m try o download it

--- End quote ---

What error do you see exactly?

Maybe you could use the command "tce-load -wil Xorg-7.5-3d" from a terminal prompt and post any errors you get here.

the big issue it that the screen fades away... so, no possibility of print screening, i think  :(


Maybe you could re-boot with the boot code "text" and enter the command I mentioned?

damn it! screen gone black anyway!

i read something like SMB, and region, a MAC-like address (XX:XX:XX:XX:XX, not with just x`s of course) , but nothing as clear as i can figure out to tell you... sorry


long ago, in 3.2 version i managed to install these extensions in this same laptop, but i could not leave text-mode as soon as i tried to intall 3d Xorg so i uninstalled TC. I can only think this OS getting even more hostile to my machine as time goes by...


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