so i have worked on this for some time and have some success
first i install
because the card itself was blocked for whatever reason, and it blocks itself again at every reboot, so
i also need to install
and now i have to append this to my /opt/
rfkill unblock all
rmmod iwl3945
modprobe iwl3945
ifconfig wlan0 up
wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -c/opt/wpa.cfg -B
dhcpcd -t 10 -d wlan0
and make /opt/wpa.cfg look like (from the how to setup wifi wiki)
then back all of this up
and when i reboot my computer look! the blue light comes on
and i go into wpa_gui from applications and behold, i am able to connect to a network....
but i cannot connect to the internet via my network
i connect and get an ip address so i know i am connected, but my question is why i cannot send or receive any information.