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updating TCZ files with more than one TC installed

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--- Quote ---tce-update if it cannot determine the target directory it will scan for it
--- End quote ---

Okay as you write "if it cannot determine the target" does that mean there is a way of adding to the boot code so it is told where the tce is? I thought my boot code above was doing that. Is it wrong?

--- Quote ---why don't you just boot as normal for either for hd8 or hd6 then run your update from the menu
--- End quote ---

Very new to TC and read somewhere that this wasn't good practise as it was best for all apps to be unmounted (??) when updating.

As always I appreciate your help and comments.

Starting with v2.7 I have added  'easy mode' to tce-update. I would just boot as normal and run it from the menu. The program will check if enough disk space and if so will precede with an easy mode of batch update. Upon conclusion reboot to complete the update.

Okay. Thanks for explaining.

I haven't tried this with the latest version.

However, with an earlier version you could boot with tce=hdb8 or tce=hbd6 in menu.lst in Grub. Then after booting, run Update Extensions from the menu.

If you did not include tce=hdb8 or tce=hbd6 in Grub, it would always update the extensions in the partition with the lowest number (the one if found first), even if you were not running Tiny Core from that partition.

I suggest you remove your extensions from the "test" directory, and use a normal tce directory, then include the tce=(partition) in Grub, before updating from the menu.

Thanks for your input.
Prior to roberts repy I was doing some tests and (in brief) I found that:
1. if hdb6 is installed to /
and hdb8 is installed to a subdirectory
then tce-update always updates hdb6.

2. if hdb8 is installed to /
and hdb6 is installed to a subdirectory
then tce-update always updates hdb8

3. if both TC installs are to sub-directories then tce-update won't find any tce to update

4. if both TC installs are to / then tce-update always updates hdb6.

Just as roberts confirmed.

So I have now installed both to / and will use Menu>Tools>Update_Extensions

Guy, you seem to be very knowledgable about TC so could you tell me if with TC v2.7 onwards I am okay installing 2 copies of TC 2.7 on 2 separate partitions. With earlier versions I had problems and needed to use subdirectories but apparently not now?


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