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updating TCZ files with more than one TC installed

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--- Quote ---Guy, you seem to be very knowledgable about TC so could you tell me if with TC v2.7 onwards I am okay installing 2 copies of TC 2.7 on 2 separate partitions. With earlier versions I had problems and needed to use subdirectories but apparently not now?
--- End quote ---

I have been running 3 versions of tc2.7 and earlier versions on 3 separate partitions, with no problems. There is no need to use subdirectories with any version. Just a normal installation on each partition.

I don't know why you had to use subdirectories.

You can also use boot options.
I use:
to select V2.7 or V2.8

Sorry Gerald , not exactly sure what you mean.

Do you mean use these for the update stanza in grub so each partition can be updated separately?
I'm can't see how this would work based on what I found out above and what roberts says.

If you don't mean this then I guess you are saying you can use separate subdirectories, even in the same partitin as you described. But in which case I was told /home and /opt can't be in a subdirectory so how do you cope with 2 homes??


I don't use home= or opt=.
This is why they are not recommended.


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