OK, I'm coming back to this project to get a workspace I can tolerate. FLWM's sideways windows just aren't doing it for me. Where can I find a list of all available window managers in the repository? If I'm only running GIMP and a terminal, do I even need a window manager?
Requirements as I understand them:
- It needs to run GIMP in full screen on a standard HD monitor.
- I prefer to use something that's not been abandoned by its developers.
- A small CPU/RAM footprint is a priority here.
- I'm missing the ability to open a terminal with CTRL+ALT+T.
Edit: I've looked in the keyword function in tce. Looks like it's flwm (Fast Light Window Manager), jwm (Joe's Window Manager), and one called screen (I don't know anything more about this one). Are there any more, or am I talking compiling my own?
Edit2: Looks like "screen" is aimed primarily at terminal usage. Doesn't sound like what I need.