I am running piCore64 on a RPi-400. There are 2 browsers currently available in the piCore64 repo- Firefox Nightly-91.7.0esr and Epiphany (version 40).
How can I update from these versions to latest versions of Firefox and Epiphany (version 40.6) which are available in x86_64 repo ?
I tried loading firefox_getLatest.tcz from x86_64 repo and ran firefox_getLatest.sh after installing dependencies based on alerts. However, I am getting errors in /usr/local/bin & the latest version of Firefox is not getting installed. Similar issue is being faced with other x86_64 browser extensions like chromium-browser, brave-browser etc.
(1) Is there a separate firefox_getLatest extension/script for piCore64 ?
(2) Can x86_64 extensions be made to work in piCore64 with some workaround ?
(3) Existing version of Epiphany is unable to play videos having Digital Rights Management (DRM). That's the main reason I am looking for a updated version (apart from a bit of sluggish response encountered in the browser). Can it be resolved by using some add-on/plugin ?
(Firefox-91.7.0 esr is unable to send audio output to Bluetooth device as already mentioned in my earlier post- [urlhttp://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,25856.msg165855.html#msg165855][/url])