nick - the simplest answer to that is to not go online. Cut the cord. Use the protect boot code.
Getting waay OT I guess - but TC just runs a *machine*. How much could you get out of a machine that is NOT online become part of your life? Plenty! Marketing tells you otherwise. Don't fall for it.
So let's wean ourselves off being online all the time. Might be fun to physically exchange ideas and software with each other. Might actually help society while still incorporating the norms of being social, unlike the rapid-fire stuff I'm doing right this minute anonymously.
Here's how we start the weaning process:
1) Set the forum software to be log-in only to see messages.
2) Place a 24-hour delay to see new messages in return. (emulating Fidonet or say costly UUCP links back in the day.)
That time-delay meant that one had to find something to do in the meantime.

Like practice shell-scripting or learning something new on their own. It also gave time to cool-off from generating flames or being disturbed by flame-bait. Or travel to a friend and share your coding or files with each other manually over lunch.
But most importantly, being OFFline with your computer meant that you found out very quickly if you truly like computING with it, or if you are just an "APPliance operator" who would just be happy enough with a TV or walkie-talkie.

I know .. crazy talk right? Maybe not. I could see the day when "personal computing" offline might become a hobby in itself again. With TC of course!